The personal blog of a not-so-typical half English/ Egyptian girl in her 20's rambling about her life, friends and everything else. Don't read if you can't handle her dark sense of humor or moodiness.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ramadan Mubarak to you all. Go easy on the food this year. I'm actually dieting. Yeah right. Who am I kidding here? :)

Is it just me or don't you too feel the spirit of Ramadan this year?

And please please please (that's three please's) pray for my good friend Marwa who is going through one hell of a time with her husband who had to undergo surgery and has been diagnosed with cancer. They are both so young and just got married recently. Please pray for them and that her husband gets well soon.

I don't think there's anything interesting on TV. Oh wait, the TV show about Abd El Haleem Hafez is on MBC now. I also want to watch the one about Soad Hosny (on LBC). What time is it again? I guess I won't watch anything else.



Jannah said...

Mystery, how r ya?

It's not just you, I felt it too a few days before it. Ramadan Kareem :)

Sou said...

Ramadan Kareem! :)

People in Egypt say 'Ramadan Mubarak' la wallahi? hehe..I didn't know that! ;)

Don't watch Mona acting as Soad! GAH! I can't believe they even did something like that! Ouff, why are they out trying to ruin legends of the Egyptian cinema?! (I totally love Soad)..Ya3ni leave her memory in peace! *sigh* Okay, i guess i'm a little frustrated min el mawdou3 dah because I don't like Mona Zaki very much :p

Anyways, it comes at 9pm Cairo time on LBC. Watch it and eb2i oleeli how bad Mona is wenabi :p lol

Nesrina said...

Ramadan Kareem my dear, god help your friend ya rab.
I still don't feel the spirit too :S, but started to get used to it.
Kol sana wenty tayba.

Mystery said...

Jannah: Ramadan Kareem, you too, dear :)

Sou: Well I only said "Ramadan Mubarak" cos I had just got off the phone with an English friend of mine who has started to learn Arabic recently. Someone must have taught her that phrase! And mind you, I'm half Egyptian so I'm entitled to say so :)

I know Mona Zaki isn't as fascinating as Soad Hosny, but in my opinion she's the most suitable one NOWADAYS among all other female stars to impersonate her. She also has some femininity and charm about her, but of course nothing like Soad Hosny. And Mona is okay so far :P

Nesrina: Thanks for the prayer :) Wenty tayeba.