The personal blog of a not-so-typical half English/ Egyptian girl in her 20's rambling about her life, friends and everything else. Don't read if you can't handle her dark sense of humor or moodiness.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Since no one has guessed where I am, let me tell you. *Suspense* Well, I was in Scotland. I hadn't traveled there before. But I'll tell you more about it later as I have more things on my mind.

Kareem lately asked about what I do for a living. Well, I studied Business Administration. But then I have always loved... COOKING AND BAKING. Yes, so when I was in the States years ago, I went to this culinary school to become a chef. Of course, you can't work as a chef right away. It takes years and years. If anyone reading this watched "Hell's Kitchen" that was showing on MBC4 lately, you'd get the idea of the type of work I'm in love with.

Anyway, of course my father has never been in love with this idea. Mom doesn't mind as she believes I should do what I want and love (thanks, Mom!). I used to work in Egypt a year or two ago as an administrative assistant. Months later, I hated the job, my work mates and any sort of paper work. I quit even though the salary was good. But I never felt fulfilled.

Anyway, all this time I kept thinking and thinking about being a chef in Egypt. It can be done, of course, but I believe doing it somewhere like England will be another whole experience. I truly think so.

And so after persuading my parents, assuring my father all would be well and things like that, they finally agreed to allow me to go to England for sometime where I could stay with my grandmother.

So, here I am. And I think very soon, I shall be a chef assistant. I've been seeing chefs and emailing my resume. Hooray!

I'll write more later, but granny is calling me now.

Oh and by the way, I was sitting at this coffee shop days ago with my favorite cousin, Emma, when this psychic approached us and told us some amazing stuff. More next time ;)


Sou said...

A Chef? That's GREAT! Seems really interesting! And begad, good for you for pursuing your dream!!

Do update us regularly ya Chef Mystery ;)

Fadfadation said...

Hey! my grandmother (Allah Yer7amha) was brithish too. From Manchester.

But i don't know any of my relatives :(

Coconut said...

sounds so interesting. i like working in what u've passion for,doesn't apply in egypt unfortunately,but im happy you're smart & strong enough to pursuit it somewhere else,good luck with that & keep us updated
congrats brave gurl

Mak said...

Great Choice.

One of my maths professors from school was a head chef in France in a previous life. According to him, he made 3 times as much money as he is now doing as a professor. I still don't get why he left that and chose to become a boring person.

It's pretty cool doing something you love while making good money.

Best of luck.

E N G Y said...

That sounds great, goooood luck:)

Jannah said...

Wow mashAllah! Go on girl, follow ur dreams and never look back :):)

Mystery said...

Sou: Hey! Will update you honey. How is everything?

Fadfadation: Well, it's not just my granny who is British (though she insists she's not utterly British). She has Irish and French roots as well. My mom is British. Dad is Egyptian.

Raghoooda: Thaaaaaanks. Yes, it doesn't apply in Egypt. I think I have decided to come here after my realizing I'll have to drag my ass instead of sit around waiting for the great chance to come knock on my door (or as my friend R says "El 3arees" as she believes the right man has every priority over the right job. Fine. But I will not wait for him in the mean time. What if something stopped him on his way to me?! :P)

Mak: I don't get it either, but may be "teaching" is his calling and what he loves to do. Pity though. Thanks :)

Engy: Thanks a lot dear :)

Jannah: I'm already past looking back. Oh world, here I come *gulp*.