The personal blog of a not-so-typical half English/ Egyptian girl in her 20's rambling about her life, friends and everything else. Don't read if you can't handle her dark sense of humor or moodiness.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It's been a year since I last blogged. Seriously. I mean given the fact that this is my first post ever in 2007! WOW! Wishing everyone a great year ahead...

I was overwhelmed with the amount of emails and comments I received here asking about me. Kidding. Dear Raghooda was the only one asking about me. Where is everyone?!

I've not just been off line. I've been off life as well. I haven't been answering my cell phone, talking to anyone or seeing anyone. Hell, I haven't even checked my email in ages. I even forgot my password for a minute then recalled it. Go ahead and laugh. It happens, you know.

And now for another blast...

I'm not in Egypt anymore. And it seems I won't return any time soon. I will leave you guessing for now where I might be.

I still have to check all my friends' blogs and read my forgotten-almost-deleted emails.

I have all kinds of news. So until next time. Have to go now.


Sou said...

Eh dah! Not in Egypt! *wonders* Are you in England? Wherever you are, I hope you're enjoying your time.

Do keep us updated Mystery, your blog is one of my favourites, matsebeenash met3ala2een keda wenabi *cries*

El Amira el Masria! said...

We're all still following your blog, we're all still here!
Why don't you want to go back to Egypt?!

E N G Y said...

I was checking your post and thought that you are busy spending nice time in Egypt, hope you are great wherever you are:)

Mystery said...

Sou: Nope, not in England either :D You're so sweet, Sou. Promise I'll try to update my poor blog more often. Really? I'm one of your favorite bloggers :)? You're one of mine, too.

Amira: No, it's not that. I was in Egypt for years and years. I feel I want to see the world. More of that later.

Engy: Thanks dear :)

Anonymous said...

7amdella 3al salama, and hope you are enjoying ur life wherever you are...bas hamoot w a3raf fein!!! :D
Yalla updates updates

KareemFromEgypt said...


what do you work in? which industry?

Coconut said...

Sweet mystery: welcome back & thanks for the recognition note mentioned above:).u deserve to be missed
i'm sad u won't be in egypt very soon but i guess u're having some good updates.
i think you're in US. or may be France.....tell me ba2a,,curiosity kills:)
best of all wherever you're dear anyways.
don't disappear again;)